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Donate to RISE Today — It’s Fast, Easy, and Free!

You may already know that donating to RISE Services, Inc. Arizona is fast and easy, but did you know it’s free? That’s right — tax time is here, and if you donate by April 18, you qualify for the Arizona Foster Care Tax Credit, making your donation completely free. RISE Services, Inc. Arizona urgently needs your financial support, but why should you donate to us today? Keep reading to find out. 

Donate to RISE Today — It's Fast, Easy, and Free!

Safe Family Settings

Children in foster care desperately need a structured home environment and loving, kind, and dependable foster parents. The hurting children in our care receive this and more from our devoted foster parents and compassionate Family Support Specialists. Partnering with foster families, we advocate on behalf of foster children so they can receive the essential services they need, whether it be counseling, speech therapy, school services, or other similar assistance. 

Trained & Caring Foster Parents

When you donate to RISE Services, Inc. Arizona, you can rest assured that we train and license loving and stable homes for children who are placed in foster care. We walk alongside single and two-person households as they navigate the methodical and thorough foster care licensing process. To meet the varied needs of foster children and to allow foster parents to serve in different capacities, we offer four types of foster care licenses. These include licenses for fostering children whose parents are working to create a stable and loving home environment, taking care and nurturing grandchildren, nieces, nephews, and other children with whom you’re related, and welcoming children and adults who have developmental disabilities into their homes.

Ongoing Support & Guidance

RISE Services, Inc. Arizona also provides ongoing and compassionate support for foster parents and their foster children through home visits, regular guidance, and emergency and on-call services. When foster families are required to appear in various legal proceedings, we proudly stand beside them through each event or meeting. Whether it’s a court hearing, foster care review board meeting, or child and family team meeting, we are there to answer any difficult questions and clearly explain decisions that were made

Your Donation Helps Children Succeed

When you donate to RISE Arizona, you’re not only receiving an amazing dollar-for-dollar tax credit, but you’re also helping children succeed with the support of nurturing, devoted, and loving foster parents. Make your charitable donation today to qualify for the Arizona Tax Credit. With your vital financial support, we can continue changing and lifting up thousands of children and families.