Why Employment Services Are Vital for Adults with Disabilities
If you live with an intellectual or developmental disability, here at RISE Services, Inc. Arizona, we believe you should have the opportunity to work within your community. This is why we offer employment training as part of our services for adults living with developmental disabilities. We provide a wide array of employment solutions that can be personally tailored to each individual with whom we work. Keep reading to learn why employment services are important and how they can benefit you or your loved one.
Find Meaningful Employment
We believe that everyone should be able to find meaningful employment and that includes individuals living with intellectual or developmental disabilities. With our employment services, we help the adults we serve find work that enhances their skills, allows them to do something they enjoy, and helps them become more independent.
Advocate for the Adults We Serve
Not only do we help individuals find valuable jobs, but we also advocate on their behalf while they are employed. We focus on helping the individuals we serve be successful by providing on-the-job training, communicating with their employers, and ensuring they’re in a healthy work environment.
Partner with Local Employers
We are glad to partner with local employers to find suitable work for adults living with developmental or intellectual disabilities. We teach the adults we serve how to perform the job for which they are hired, plus, we check in with employers to make sure quality work is being performed. Not only do we assist local businesses in finding qualified employees, but we also give adults in our care a foundation of customized support throughout their employment.
Receive Training & Support
No one goes into a job unprepared when working with RISE Services, Inc. Arizona. Our job coaches offer job-based training so the adults we serve are well-prepared for their new jobs. This includes helping adults complete job applications, practicing for job interviews, teaching how to dress appropriately for work, and assisting in social skills while working with fellow employees. We also provide on-the-job training and remain with them throughout their employment.
Learn Valuable Life Skills
One of the leading benefits of our employment services is the valuable life skills training we offer. The abilities adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities learn will be helpful for them whether they are working, spending time with friends, or attending a community event. This training is customized to the needs of each individual and may include communication skills, worksite acclimation, money management, and relationship building.
Contact Us to Learn More
RISE Services, Inc. Arizona offers practical, professional, and personal growth opportunities for the adults we serve. Our valuable employment services are one of these opportunities, along with family support, in-home care, and opportunity centers. Learn more about our job training and supported employment services by contacting us today.