Caring Solutions for Enhanced Lives
If you live in the Tucson area and you or a family member living with a developmental disability is in need of caring, compassionate services, contact RISE Services, Inc. today. We provide several opportunities to enhance and improve both personal and professional areas such as residential housing, early intervention, life skills training, and supported employment.
Contact UsCreating Stability for Tucson Families
The family preservation and foster care services from RISE provide valuable support for biological, foster, and adoptive families. We work alongside families, helping them create a safe and loving atmosphere for the children in their homes.
- Our family support services are tailored to each individual family and may include parent education, counseling and family therapy, home management training, domestic violence intervention, and more.
- We offer four different types of licenses for foster families—family foster home license, kinship (relative) license, child developmental home license, and adult developmental home license.
Developmental Disability Therapy & Early Intervention for Children
If you have a child with special needs or a developmental disability, we are here to support your child with our comprehensive children’s services. Our early intervention child development services provide much-needed assistance for children from birth to age 3 with disabilities or milestone delays. We also support children ages birth through 21 with our Therapy for Developmental Disabilities (TDD). This therapeutic treatment provides occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, or a combination of all three using a variety of techniques and methods.
Adult Day Services in Tucson
With our adult day care services, adults living with developmental disabilities will learn valuable life skills, foster creative hobbies, and discover their unique abilities all in a safe and supportive environment. We also have Opportunity Centers, which is a Monday-Friday program where individuals can gain valuable experience that will enhance their personal and professional lives. These opportunity development centers include activities, such as:
- Computer lab training
- Library visitations
- Personal care training
- Community involvement
- And more
Supported Employment Services
In Tucson, RISE works with individuals with developmental disabilities to help them find and maintain meaningful employment. We partner with local employers to discover suitable jobs for the adults we serve. Our vocational rehabilitation services include customized support during their employment:
- Job-based training based on each position and facility
- Job coaches who work directly with the employed individual
- Life skills training such as mock interviews, worksite acclimation, and time management
Safe & Secure Residential Services
Our philosophy of care is centered around each person’s needs, and that includes the need for safe and comfortable housing. We offer residential services for individuals with developmental disabilities that work with the various needs of the adults we serve such as their daily routines, living arrangements, and level of personal assistance.
- Around-the-clock in-home care for adults with developmental disabilities
- Group homes suited specifically for those living with developmental disabilities
- Senior in-home care services that include meal management, personal grooming, and transportation to doctor’s appointments
- Personalized assistance with our independent living services for those who live in their own home or apartment